25 March 2011

Children is World with Nonanoto

I found her blog, and her project through one of my blogger friend. Her name is Ata. I know nothing about her. But yet when I visited her blog few days a go,  I'm in love with her project in helping kids.

Its a very berry simple project. But I think we all know that to change the world, we only need LOTS of people who willing to do simple thing continuously. Am I right??

Ok.. back to this amazing gal, Ata. 

From her blog, I found that she had lots of foster kids. FYI, she's not even married yet and I think she's younger than me. You see, age had nothing to do with the courage and willingness to do something good. Not just for yourself but also for others. And for her, her passion for kids not just stop by having foster kids. She wants to do more. 

She had this project called Children is World with Nonanoto. And she invited us to join her. It's so very simple. You don't need any money to doing it. Well maybe just a piece a paper, printer ink, and camera.

So just print this pic below, and start posing.

For every pic that you made, Ata will donate IDR 10,000 (around USD 1) and she will use the money to help kids who need help. See! It's so damn simple. 

And I already did and not doing it alone. I asked my best friend to join me and she say yes instantly. 

So here's our pic.

my BFF ever

Care to join us??

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